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IMHO - in my humble opinion - Mein Blog zum Thema Privatsphäre, Internet und Humor. |
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![]() ++ Joke: Verhütung auf Japanisch? ++
![]() Labels: Humor (EN) posted by Kaspar on www.imho.ch | direkter Link: Dienstag, April 07, 2009 top++ Joke: Embarrassing Medical Exams ++
1. A man comes into the ER and yells, ‘My wife’s going to have her baby in the cab!’ I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady’s dress, and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly, I noticed that there were several cabs — and I was in the wrong one.Submitted by Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Antonio , TX 2. At the beginning of my shift, I placed a stethoscope on an elderly and slightly deaf female patient’s anterior chest wall. ‘Big breaths,’ I instructed. ‘Yes, they used to be,’ replied the patient. ... Read more of them on 1funny.com Labels: Humor (EN) posted by Kaspar on www.imho.ch | direkter Link: Montag, April 06, 2009 top++ Joke: Emergency brake ++
An Amish lady is trotting down the road in her horse and buggy when she is pulled over by a cop."Ma'am, I'm not going to ticket you, but I do have to issue you a warning. You have a broken reflector on your buggy." "Oh, I'll let my husband, Jacob, know as soon as I get home." "That's fine. Another thing, ma'am. I don't like the way that one rein loops across the horse's back and around one of his testicles. That's cruelty to animals, have your husband take care of that right away!" Later that day, the woman is home, telling her about the encounter with the cop. "Well, what did he say?" "He said the reflector is broken." "I can fix that in two minutes. What else?" "I'm not sure, Jacob...something about the emergency brake..." (Source: http://www.thealders.net/humour/religion/rel53.html) Labels: Humor (EN) posted by Kaspar on www.imho.ch | direkter Link: Mittwoch, April 01, 2009 top++ Joke: Engineer in hell ++
An engineer dies and reports to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says:"Ah, you're an engineer, but you worked for a high-tech startup company and got rich. You've had too good of a life, so now you can't come in here." So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators. The computers are all upgraded and there are speaker wires running to every room. Even the clocks on the VCRs are set. The engineer becomes a pretty popular guy. One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and says, "So, how's it going down there in hell?" Satan replies, "Hey, things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators. The computers are faster than ever and we've got music in every room.There's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next." God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake, he should never have gotten down there! Send him up here-NOW." Satan shouts back, "No way! I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him." God says, "Send him back up here or I'll sue." Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right....and just where are YOU going to find a lawyer?" (Source: http://www.thealders.net/humour/religion/rel17.html ) Labels: Humor (EN) posted by Kaspar on www.imho.ch | direkter Link: Mittwoch, April 01, 2009 top++ Joke: April-Fool Meal, How to ++
April 1st, otherwise known as April Fool's day, is a great day to play practical jokes on your family and friends. Tricks with food are always a real winner.Blue Milk If your milk comes in cartons, turn it blue with a few drops of food colouring. No one will notice until they pour it out. Cereals on a string If your family eats O-shaped cereal, thread them all onto a piece of string and put them back in the box. Fake fried egg Make a fake 'fried egg'. Arrange a spoonful of natural yoghurt in an oval on a plate. Pop an apricot half in the middle. Serve it up to your family with a rasher of real bacon. ... (Read more / Source: wikihow) Labels: Essen, Humor (EN) posted by Kaspar on www.imho.ch | direkter Link: Mittwoch, April 01, 2009 top |
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